click to start, multiple parts will be loaded
Respond: Do you want to share/ask something? I'm curious about your feedback
if you want a personal answer, separate your email address after your name by a space (it won't be visible to others)


World Song4YourSoul logo On this page you can see all the world Song4YourSoul recordings that have been made.
Click on a button on the left to listen to the Song4YourSoul and read the information received about the theme.
The colors where you don't see a button yet are sung during the year. Then the theme will also be known.

Do you want to resonate on the theme of an Song4YourSoul?
There is a possibility for a Tuesday morning meeting In it, I first give an Song4YourSoul on the theme and color of that week. After that, the participants can share their insights on the theme. This information will be taken into account when I make the final recording on Wednesday morning.

If you are interested, send an e-mail to Jeroen-Arnold. When a group can be formed, I will let you know.







































Tel: 06 12 52 40 55 | KvK: 09208959 (JvanB)| Bank: NL67ASNB 0267 1707 42| PayPal: