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Cover of the book 'Christ Returns'I discovered the book 'Christ Returns, Speak His Truth' in 2006. I was deeply touched by the direct way Christ spoke to me on the first page of the book. You can find it below.
I knew I had found the next step in my spiritual journey. From a deep inspiration, I promised the author of the book that I would take care of translation and dissemination in the Dutch language area. In six years I was led from one thing to the other and in 2011 the first edition saw the light of day. A wonderful example of Divine's leadership. Through the many reads and the deep knowledge that is in the book, it has become the guideline of my life and the inspiration behind Divinefulness.

"~The first page of 'Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth'
This text still touches me deeply. How is that for you?

I, the CHRIST, use this opportunity to speak directly to YOU.
I have come to rectify the misinterpretations,
Placed to the teachings
given when I was known as
'Jesus' in Palestine, 2000 years ago.

They are being put through one who, during the past forty years, has been spiritually sensitive and dedicated enough to receive my words and act on them.
They transcend all religious doctrines in the world.
--These LETTERS will LIBERATE you.

They are for all people who are looking for meaning of existence, purpose in their lives, strength to face the daily struggle to live and endure setbacks, illness, despair and inspiration for those who strive for greater spiritual consciousness in their daily lives.

You might say that these Letters are a MASTER’s COURSE for those who are ready to put foot to the path which I travelled when on earth in Palestine.

The texts from this book are still the guide for my life and spiritual journey.
You can read and download the texts here for free
Here you can listen to a talk about my Journey with the Letters

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