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Do you hear your soul speaking to you?

With a soft whisper, it asks you to walk the path you imagined before you were born. Do you hear it, feel the urging or simply know it is time?
Heeding this deep urge within requires your full commitment. For there is so much that can distract you from what you really came here for. If you feel that you are ready to go into the mountains in search of who you really are and how to live fully in connection with your soul and Divine, then you have come to the right website.

Here you will find information on how to descend from your head, which has a lot of knowing stored in it, to your heart, where you learn to feel and appreciate, then to your gut, where you connect deeply with your inner knowing and finally arrive at your soul, which will let you to experience the fruits of all your hard work.

Christ energy
What you will find on this website is integrated knowledge from the Letters that Christ shared with the world in 2000 and can be found in the books “Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth,” volumes 1 and 2. It is the result of combining this wonderful knowledge with everything I have found in a more than 30-year long spiritual quest. This journey took me through Path work, A Course In Miracles, James Twyman, the discovery of a Near Death Experience (NDE) when I was eighteen months old, voice work, hypnosis and finally the Letters. In the Letters, I found my true spiritual home. More information about these texts can be found on the website of the foundation Christ Returns.

Who am I
photo of Jeroen My name is Jeroen Arnold van Buuren. I described the first 53 years of my life in the book “Emperor in the Kingdom,” the information I received through my NDE is in “Suicide - You'll be back on earth before you know it”. In late 2019, I received inspiration to undertake a 'pilgrimage to the soul' with a group. It became two wonderful years from which volume 1 and 2 of Divinefulness were born. In these books you will find all the tools you need to begin your soul journey.

Available for free
All this information is freely available to you here. Read them, discover who I am and how to truly live spiritually. Also feel free to share the books with others, that's what they are for.
Besides this, you can perform a spiritual checkup on this page. Give yourself a grade on eight subjects and then see how you score when you answer questions about each subject.
Or do the online course “You are amazing” that lets you experience how special you are and shows you how to anchor this knowing in yourself.

Year Training
Reading something and actually living it are two different things. Are you ready to really hit the trail? In a group of six people opening yourself up to transformation twenty times? Are you one of them? Sign up by sending an email to jeroen arnold

Or individually
If you prefer individual coaching, that's also possible. Read more about that here.

The journey through the spiritual landscape can sometimes feel heavy and difficult. Feelings of loneliness are also not uncommon.
Would you like to talk about your spiritual journey, get to know me and discover what I see happening in you? Schedule a free half-hour conversation, via this link.

Feel free to take a look behind the four areas below to discover how I can assist you.
Voice sounds open the way to soul contact.
From a word, a color and your name, I connect with Divine and you and sing to you twice for 12 minutes. After being in the silence for fifteen minutes, you leave without words.
'Exposing your soul' combines Song4YourSoul with taroscope and self-examination so that you really get to know yourself and take steps in transformation.
I also make an Song4YourSoul every week for world consciousness.

Divinefulness is living fully in deep and direct contact with Divine. In the annual training 'the Pilgrimage to source' you learn to live Divinefulness.

What Divinefulness entails can be found in the book with the same title, holding 57 simple exercises, which was written as a result of this annual training.

Get to know yourself through a combination of Tarot and numerology

This system, developed by me, gives you insight into your qualities, what makes you happiest, what your biggest growing point is and how your interaction with the outside world is.

You can create your own taroscope page for free

Individual coaching
Sometimes it is nice to have someone walk with you on your spiritual journey.

This can be done once or several times.

I listen and hear very quickly where opportunities for growth lie.

On the basis of a taroscope or Human Design interpretation, energetic or child work, or a conversation in which you show your excuses.

Tel: 06 12 52 40 55 | KvK: 09208959 (JvanB)| Bank: NL67ASNB 0267 1707 42| PayPal: