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"Use your voice to awaken the angels."

Impression of Jeroen-Arnold This sentence was spoken to me by an astrologer more than 30 years ago. Then I didn't understand what he meant. In the meantime, through various methods of using my voice intuitively, including a year of voice liberation training, the healing song and Soulvoice® training, I discovered that this was what the astrologer was talking about. I combine the sounding for healing that is applied in all these forms with silence and attunement to Divine and the Christ energy in order to bring about a deep transformation. I use the term Song4YourSoul for this.

Song4YourSoul brings you into contact with your soul. From more than 30 years of working on spirituality and meditation, my sounds bring you into contact with a deep silence and stillness in which you make contact with your soul. You experience how your deepest self communicates lovingly with you. An Song4YourSoul opens up new vistas that were previously hidden. With this you discover the next step in your spiritual development.

At the beginning of 2023, I was inspired to apply Song4YourSoul for the raising of world consciousness. Every week I sing from a different theme that contributes to the world of Love and Peace. Your contribution is of great importance. What you can contribute, you can read on this page

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